Christ has ascended in glory from us into the heavens and sits at the right hand of God the Father!
I greet you on this blessed Feast with good news regarding the reopening of Holy Resurrection. The Steering Committee has been hard at work over the last week completing the "Parish Readiness" checklists so that we can reopen the church as safely, and as quickly, as possible. We have made great progress thanks to their hard work, and we can today announce the following: Holy Resurrection will reopen on Wednesday, June 3rd, for communal worship and reconnecting with one another, albeit, with certain limitations. The most important of these is the limitation that we can only have 25 people, including clergy, at a service.
Things will be and will look, different for a while. Your patience and your prayers are needed as we return to normalcy one step at a time. To help you in this time of change we have scheduled an "Open House" for this Sunday, May 31st, at Blanchet, from 12-2 pm. During the "Open House" you will learn about the changes we have made in order to comply with the regulations provided by local, state, and federal agencies, as well as those provided by the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco.
We will test out our reservation system (Eventbrite) and send you a personal invitation to the "Open House". You should expect to see an email Friday afternoon. If you haven't received a call or email by Saturday, please let Deacon Steve know.
Please keep in mind that what we have done, and what we are asking of you, is done to keep everyone safe and to prevent the transmission of this deadly virus. These are acts of sacrificial love for God and neighbor, and in obedience to our Bishop.
Please review the guidelines and instructions included here. There will be a test =).